Easel.ly Gives Back


Here at Easel.ly, we love giving back whenever possible. Every year, a portion of our profits go to supporting events and people all over the world, and we love teaming up with people who do great work in their communities.

One of these people is Mardie Rees, an artist in Gig Harbor, WA.

As part of her Apprentice Academy, Mardie and her team of great artists host a variety of fine arts education classes for kids. In her classes, children get to the develop their artistic side and are free to create in various mediums. Kids learn how to draw, sculpt, paint, and more with Maddie and her team.


In 2016, Easel.ly partnered with Maddie to help her program reach more children than ever before. We also partnered with Food Backpacks 4 Kids, a charity that helps meet the nutritional needs of hungry children in the Peninsula school district.

Finding children in the area who normally wouldn’t be able to afford such a fun, educational, and explorative summer experience, we provided “scholarships” to the Apprentice Academy. There, kids from all over the Peninsula area learned how to draw, sculpt, and investigate their artistic talents.


This group of kids had a great time at our SummerCamp event, and we at Easel.ly plan on supporting many more programs just like Apprentice Academy in the coming months.
Check out the video below to get a peek into the SummerCamp event, and to see all the great creations these kids made!

More to learn from the blog…