Recipes are the next medium that infographics should take over. Until then, here are some great infographics that are worth laminating and keeping in your kitchen or pantry, or next to your grill.
Grill Master
Gorgeous, effective, and clear. From cooking times to heat intensity (and a handy set of safety tips), this infographic should come with every new grill.

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
From the same makers as the previous, this infographic is tailored for greener taste buds. It’s hard to keep track of when veggies and fruits are in season. Lose the guess work.

Pairing Wine and Food
Wine selection is filled with misinformation and ethereal tips. Pairing liquor with your favourite food need not be difficult, and this infographic communicates that with wimple graphics and distinct colours.

Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet
“Cheat sheets” are something infographics are amazing at, and gardening is a hobby that definitely benefits from one. Have you considered what other hobbies or common to-dos would benefit from a cheat sheet? Food for thought.

Herbs and Their Uses
A great companion to the previous infographic, this one catalogues 16 common herbs and instructs on how to grow them, how to use them, and what distinguishes their flavour. It’s a little less well-designed than what we’ve showcased so far, but the herbs are clearly illustrated, which is important for the uninformed.

10 Things to Do with Banana Peels
This infographic comes courtesy of Sustainable America, and it proves how taking a focused approach to your cause can create viral potential. Think about it this way – what’s more interesting to you – that recycling is good for the environment, or that you can use banana peels to polish your shoes and silver?

Vitamins in Your Food
Vitamin pills don’t do as much as we’d like. Nothing beats natural sources, and this one saves you from reading the fine print in each corner of the grocery store. Though the colour choices work, the lines don’t; it can be difficult to untangle each food to each vitamin.

The Perfect Burger
Remember when I said infographics would be great for recipes? Case in point: this infographic lists all the potential toppings and types of burger, while clarifying what ingredients go into what kind of burger. Something this good belongs on a menu.