
It is believed today, that Christians
me Religious Persecution receive the most religious intolerance
in the world.


Up to 70.000 on Orissa. India have
been forced to flee their homes,
because riots and acts of violence
against Christians.
Half of Iraq’s Christians
have been killed or have
fled the country, because
of their religious beliefs.
In 2010, Christians su terror
from nuslim extremists.
The whole Nigerian village
was burned down.


Why does this happen?
What does this mean?

That Christians are inflicted
hatred and persecution, There is an expansion of certain
because their beliefs and religion. :cligious extremisms, that practice
150,00 Christians are persecuted n corrupt policies.
for their faith each year. A spread of Communism is on the
Persecution has risen in the past decade 4 rise in 72% of third world countries.
. 75% of those killed for their against Christians. There is a sparsity of ‘,lost religious persecution takes
faith are Christians. freedom-honoring governments around ‘lace in 3rd world countries that
the world that support RELI410(15 TOLERANCE. e below the poverty line.

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