
Andy Warhol
(1928- 1987) An American artists who was a part
of the Pop Art movement.
Early Life
– Born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, PN

– Stricken at an early age with a rare neurological disorder,

young Warhol found solace in the form of celebrity magazines
and DC comic books
– Degree in Pictorial Design from Carnegie Mellon University

Well Know For …
-Pop Art
-Bold innventive style
-Mass production of work
-Famous Portraits
-Common subject matter
-Breaking down the wall between
high and low art
– Mass-Produced products: Coca-Cola bottles,

Campbell soup cans, and dollar bills
– Everyday Objects: bananas, flowers, shoes

– Portraits of Icons: Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley,

Jacky Kennedy
-Performance Art
7- At art movement that began in the 1950s
– Art based in modern popular culture

(celebrities, advertisement, product labels
and logos)
– Connected to the every day person;

engaged the populous in art with images
they recognized
Famous Work
In the 1960s, Warhol created many mass
produced images from photographs of
famous celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe.
Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans prints are his
most famous. In 1962 he printed 32 different
flavors of Campbell’s Soup on 32 different canvases.
What is Pop Art?
O”Andy Warhol Biography.” The Andy Warhol Foundation. N.p.. n.d. Web.
8 Mar. 2013. < httpi/www.warholfoundatiot.org/legacy/biography,hfmL>
OSchermer). Tony. Andy Warhol. and David Dalton. Pop: The Genius
of Andy Warhol. New York. NY: Harper-Collins. 2009. Print.

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