

Cyber. Crime. Cyberbullying Julie Kim

It Can Happen to Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.

Milli 1.95%

HalfofAdolescencehavebeen HandAdolncencehavebeenengagedin BystandersinCyberbullying

Cyberbullied Cyberbullying
Walk away or ignore this serious cause

Of Teenagers of the Youth Agree of Adolescence

Wit’ Technology Bullying Online Who Committed Suicide

Every 5 Kids
say ommmm Who’s Been

lying Online — Cyberbuttied
111119111 Thinks About

is easier to

get away with SUICIDE
Education profes
Dr.Wanda Cassidy Every.10.Attempts.it
says, “Bullies us
to be on the playgr
and you used to
VS 2″C know who it is
\IS° osksle that was bullying you. No. 3 Killer

,caceb es 34.0kroGotev■ Now bullies can of teens in US
hide behind the
.„Apvt s anonymity on
450 he internet”
Kolt. No. 1 Car Accident

..Avatiet’sacetic6( No. 2 Homicide
\AS% cite% 1°— oNN
No. 3 Suicide



– 42% of the kids bullied online – 80% of the teens are active on social media sites

– 35% of the kids have been threatened online – According to the Cyberbullying Research Center,

approximately 20% of the students
– 58% of the kids have admitted something have experienced cyberbullying
mean about them have been said online


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