

The decline in population of Elephants in the It may be an

Central African Region due to illegal poaching industry worth
Households I
To supply I 0.40)
African Elephants the markets of ExpxME I but it must be

are killed per year. stopped.

Elephants are killed for their ivory by poachers 4111

as they have no other
income. Figure 3 Circular Flow Model

Solution 1:

Introduce a community led Solution 2:
conservation program „
similar to the IRDNC and
track the elephants
with micro-chipping. Harsher regulations and fines •
In 2011 ORDNC. 20111 for shipping and selling ivory.
I I of the Elephant
2001 2006 2006 2007 200B MB 2010 2011 2012 population were
12010(0100.1 Med by poachers. Ifilihi■Bmuna.
Figure 1: Percentage elephants killed. (CITES. 2012
Not only is the fragile African Supply and Dean.,
ecosystem damaged by poaching. Benefits
but the economy also suffers.


)lndexMundi. 2010) Effectiveness
• $11 000 000 Table 1: Critieriom for decision

Solution 1 is the best option for

lir lila the Central African Elephants.
Figure 2: Demand and Supply .

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