Chocolate milk
The good the bad and the chocolate.
By: Miranda Perez
Chocolate flilk! What’s so special
about it? I’ll tell ya…
Hey athle es! Hey parent
Two recent studies show that Os taken with children
chocolate milk is the ideal post- ents, and Children love
workout drink for athletes! 10 ocolate milk way more than
cyclists drank chocolate milk white! Seventh-grader Nacole
during their training, and had Johnson said “If there were no
more strength and speed! They chocolate milk. I wouldn’t drink it.
also lost more fat than those
that drank sports drinks!
Health6? Sur,
Because kids love chocolate Flavored milk has all the nine
milk so much, they drink more nutrients that non-flavored milk
of it! This helps kids get their does! Adding chocolate to white
3 daily servings! If they were milk doesn’t take away it’s
drinking white milk, that would healthiness!
be harder to achieve.
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.School milk flilk sugar!
Did you know, 70% of milk consumed “Eight ounces of white milk contains
in schools is flavored. most of which is 14 grams of sugar or lactose, fat-free
chocolate? It’s true! When a school sources chocolate milk has an extra 6 grams
dropped flavored milk, milk consumption “Chocolate Milk Gives Athletes Leg-up for a total of 20 grams, while fat-free
After Exercise. Says University of Texas
dropped 35%! at Austin Study” article. “Schools May strawberry milk has a total of 27
Ban Chocolate Milk Over Added Sugar” grams – the same as eight ounces
70% article. “Adding Chocolate to Milk Doesn’t of coca-cola!
Take Away It’s Nine Essential Nutrients”