What does your astrological sign say about the way you manage money?
PISCES March 21 – April 19 TAURUS
Feb. 19 – March 20 Don’t give this one a credit card. April 20 – May 20
Known for their impulsive,
Millionaire in the making. live-for-the-moment nature, Financial security is a must.
Cancer has the most self-made this attitude can lead to Those who know a Taurus know
millionaires, but Pisces is the debt problems if not managed. security is close to an obsession
house of more millionaires for these territorial bulls. They
overall. like having money, and lots of it.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18 May 21 – June 20
I’ll spend what I want. Spend, save, spend, save.
An Aquarius aims for The dual nature of a
the financial stars, even Gemini means this sign
if they money needed will save their entire
to buy something doesn’t paycheck one month,
exist yet d spend it all the next.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 June 21 – July 22
Cautious, not cheap. Self-made millionaire.
Capricorns can appear There are said to be
overly-frugal, but they more self-made
simply manage money millionaires born
very carefully. Cancer than any
other sign!
Nov. 22- Dec. 21 July 23 – Aug. 22
Finances get better with age. I am a spender, hear me roar.
In youth, a Sagittarius can have To others, it might appear
trouble holding on to money. that Leos are throwing
Fortunately, they’re lucky and money away, but least they
get what they want when they prefer to spend on the
need it most. people they love.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21 LIBRA Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Get your eyes off my checkbook. Frugal is my middle name.
Scorpios are intensely secretive Sept. 23 – Oct. 22 Virgos not only save every
and prefer not to share their Balance is desired, but not penny they have, you might
financial lives with others. always realized. catch one checking your sofa
Libras love having balance in cushions for spare change if
their lives, but when it comes you turn your back.
to balancing a checkbook,
they tend to have problems
overspending while entertaining.
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