Where do blue eves come from?
The eyes are part of the
Blue eyes come from a nervous system. The
single mutation affecting nervous system is a complex
the OCA2 gene which network of nerves and cells
produces melanin, the that carry messages to and
from the brain and spinal
pigment which gives the cord to various parts of
iris color
e44, Research from 2003
showed that everyone
/4) with blue eyes have a
common ancestor who
4): Lived between 6k and
10k years ago.
Comparatively. Europe has
Nervous System Digram a wider variety of hair color
Bier and pigment than is found
Cranial nerves — in any other continent in the
Cervical notes Spinal cord
world. These mutation are
Median nerve recent as Europe was 95%;fcL=inasin countries
Thoranc nerves — , colonized only a few have blue eyes.They are also
Radial nerve thousand years ago. found to have a greater range
Lumbar nerves of hair and skin color.
Sacral news •
Soak nerve
Tibial nerve The part of the eye
that has color is
called the iris.
The nervous system’ has
three basic functions.
1. Sensory neurons receives
information from sensory receptors
2.Interneurons transfer and interpret impulses and motor neurons
3.Motor neurons send appropriate impulses/instructions to muscle
and glands.