Why did the United States want to stop communism in Vietnam?
2 Americans seemed to think communism was a disease (Ratter, Andrew J).
President Johnson
was a “long-time
During Truman’s
himself” (O’Malley)
an idea formed that.
if Vietnam became
He thought we
should institute Communist, other
containment on countries around it 11010101111
would follow.
In 1962, a version of the theory arose which stated that
he Communists were aiming towards world domination.
AINMEN- By 1950, foreign policymakers
attempting to prevent the Because of this, they felt a need
had fully adopted this idea.
expansion of a “hostile power or to fight Communism everywhere.
Klealology” (Meriam Webster)
ommuni’sm opposite of
everything A red important.
“Communists scorned
democracy, violated
human rights, pursued elimination ot linuate
property “The US is the locomotive
-investments mane trom military aggression, and -all goods owned by the head of mankind and
created closed state the society as a whole rest of the world the cabo
private decisions -McGeorge Bindy
economics that barely -controlled market (O’Malley, Michael)
-a free market -controlled prices,
traded with capitalist
-free prices, products, products, and
countries.” equal distribution
and distribution of goods of goods