

Jablonski Diagram


Photon Absorption (A) Fluorescence (F)

• Absorbance is the method by which a photon Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance that
is absorbed and an electron is excited from a has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a
lower energy level to a higher energy level. form of luminescence, wavelength of emitted light is longer
So —> Sn than absorbed radiation. Therefore lower in energy
S1 So


exc vibrational states •
(excited rotational states not show*

A = photon absorption
F = fluorescence (emission)
P – phosphorescence
S – singlet slate
T – triplet State
IC – internal COnVersion
ISO interSyStern Crossing

electronic ground state •

Internal Conversion (IC) • Phosphorescence (P)

• Phosphorescence is a specific type of
ernal conversion is a transition from a higher to a lower photoluminescence.Unlike fluorescence,

tronic state in a molecule or atom. It’s Radiationless a phosphorescent material does not

xcitation where molecular spin state remains the same. immediately re-emit the radiation it absorbs
Sn —> Sn In —> In TI —> To

Intersystem Crossing (ISC)

Intersystem crossing is a radiationless process involving a transition
between two electronic states with different spin multiplicity i.e When a
singlet state non-radiatively transitions to a triplet state, or conversely a
triplet transitions to a singlet, that process is known as intersystem crossing.
Sn —> Tn Tn —> Sn

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