The Nazi Party!
During the occupation of various countries.
Jews and other classes of people
were labeled as undesirables.
These people were mistreated and
sent to concenkation camps.
Books written Lews
different backg urid were
and burned.
The HJ’s or the Hitler Jugend was aThe Luftwaffe was the
paramilitary organization of aerial warfare branch
the Nazi Party. It existed of the Germans in WWII.
from 1922-1945. The Luftwaffe was formed
The Bund Deutscher Nadel (BDM) The annexation of Austria
used campfire romanticism. also known as the Anschluss
summer camps. took place March 12.1938.
folklore. tradition. EVGE The Sudetenland was part
and sport to educate J 1JE of Germany that was taken
girls within the National Socialistaway from them after WWI.
belief system. ,k;40 It was located in
Adolf Hitler – Leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.
Social Issues Joseph Goebbels – One of Hitters closest associates and loyal followers.
Rudolph Hess – Deputy Furher to Hitler
Heinrich Himmter – Head of the SS. Chief of German Police and Minister
The Nurembera Laws of the Interior.
were a setsllaws_ Baldur Von Shirach – Leader of Hitler Youth
that were all based on
AI ti-Semetic orincioles
Jews were not allowed
to marry Germans-
neith r were thee Nowed
to employ them
Propaganda Movie –