
Bill Gates

The master mind of Microsoft

Who is Bill Gates

ill Gates was orn on October 28,1955.

Bill when to school at Lakeside for his early years. Bill Gates when he was younger. r

When Bill was only 9 years old he had read the World Book Encyclopedia.
In 1971 Bill Gates started his own company with his friend Paul Allen. I

The company’s name is “Traf-o-data”.

In 1973 he left Lakeside to work at TRW: he graduates from lakeside high school and goes to Harvard University.

in 1975 Bill writes his first software program with Paul Allen and forms Microsoft with him

in 1986 Microsoft moves to the Corporate Campus in Redmond, Washington and goes public making Bill Gates a
multimillionaire nverninht

I failed in some subjects in exam,

but my friend passed in all. Now he

is an engineer in Microsoft and I am

the owner of Microsoft,


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