Do you have a lot of new visitors who seem to be lost? Are people constantly asking where the break room is? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you could use more signage.
Good signage can help direct people and show them what they need to know. So if you’re feeling lost or like you’re constantly answering the same questions, it might be time for some new signage.
1. You Have a Lot of New Visitors

Foot traffic is a good thing, but if you constantly have new visitors who can’t seem to find their way around, then that’s a sign you need more signage. You want your visitors to feel comfortable and welcome, so ensure they can easily find their way to the restroom, exit, or wherever else they need to go.
Tip: Place signs near doors or high-traffic areas where people are likely to get lost.
2. People Are Asking for Directions
Do your employees or customers constantly stop you to ask for directions? If so, that’s another sign you need more signage. Whether it’s for the break room, the restroom, or the exit, make sure people can easily find their way around with clear and concise signage.
Tip: Use arrows or other visual cues to help direct people to where they need to go.
3. You Have a Large Facility

Huge, sprawling facilities can be tough to navigate, even for employees. If you have a large facility, you definitely need more signage to help people find their way around. Multiple signs in strategic locations can help people get where they need to go without getting lost.
Tip: Use a facility map to help determine where to place signs.
4. You’re Making Changes to Your Building
Whether you’re renovating, expanding, or just rearranging things, changes to your building can make it tough for people to find their way around. So if you’re making any changes to your structure, update your signage accordingly. New signs will help people adjust to the changes and make it easier for them to find their way around.
Tip: Make a list of all the changes you’re making to your building and use it to determine what new signage you need.
5. You Have a Complex Floor Plan

There’s nothing worse than feeling lost in a maze of hallways and offices. If your floor plan is complex, you need adequate signage to help people find their way around. Otherwise, they’ll get frustrated and lost, which is not a good experience for your employees or customers.
Tip: Include a floor plan on your signage so people can orient themselves and figure out where they need to go
6. You Have a Unique Layout
Do you have an unusual layout that’s not easy to navigate? If so, you need to ensure you have enough signage to help people find their way around. Whether it’s a mezzanine, a loft, or an atrium, your signage must assist people in navigating your unique layout.
Tip: Avoid placing signs too close together or too far apart. Find a happy medium so people can easily find the sign they’re looking for.
7. You Have Multiple Buildings
It’s not uncommon for businesses to have multiple buildings on their property. If that’s the case, you must ensure each building is adequately signed. That way, people will know which building they need to go to and won’t get lost trying to find the right one.
Tip: Use color-coded signs or other visual cues to help people identify which building they need to go to.
8. You Have an Outdoor Facility
Businesses often have outdoor facilities, like parking lots or gardens. If that’s the case, you need to ensure you have enough signage to help people find their way around. Whether it’s directional signs, informational signs, or both, make sure your outdoor space is well-signed.
Tip: Try to use natural elements, like trees or rocks, to help guide people to your signs.
9. You Have a Hazardous Area
Signs can help warn people of the danger and prevent accidents. If you have a hazardous area on your property, you must make it well-signed. Whether it’s a construction site, a chemical storage area, or something else, make sure people know it’s a hazard and take the appropriate precautions.
Tip: Use big, bold signs with clear and concise messaging to help warn people of the hazard.
10. You Have Long Halls or Corridors
Long, winding hallways can be confusing and frustrating to navigate, especially if they all look the same. If you have a lot of hallways in your building, it’s a good idea to put up signs to help people find their way. Not only will this make it easier for people to get around, but it will also help them feel more comfortable in your space.
Tip: Place signs at key points in the hallway, such as intersections and near doors.
If you’re constantly getting lost, running into things, or otherwise having difficulty navigating your space, it’s a sign you need more signage. By increasing the amount and visibility of your signage, you can make it easier for people to find their way around, preventing frustration and accidents.
Reach out to Easelly today to get started on creating the perfect signs for your business! We offer a wide range of customizable sign templates that you can use to create the perfect signs for your needs. And our team of design experts is always here to help if you need any assistance.