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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Social Facets of Development Cognitive Lev Vygotsky: Key theory was the "Zone of proximal development" which basically stated that there is a limit to the amount of learning a child can do (i.e. a genius child will learn more from school than just discovering things on their ownMary Ainsworth: Conducted the "strange situations" experiment which is still used today. A child would be separated from their parent in order to test attachment qualityJerome Kagan: Came up with the idea of "temperament" or a child's born-in tendencies to be outgoing or shy. Though this can be modified. I was most certainly born shy but am a little more outgoing now :) VygotskyAinsworthKaganHarlowBaumrindErikson Physical Conception Zygote Embryo Fetus Puberty Rapid weight gain &Development of primary andsecondary sex characteristics Primary Menarche: first menstruation Spermarche: first ejaculation Secondary Breasts & hips in females Body hair and shoulders in males Social Lawrence Kohlberg Created stages of moral development based on Piaget's stages of cognitive development. Each stage showed what was most important to the child/person.Carol Gilligan: Created stages of moral development based on women Adulthood Begin of physical decline in: Skin Weakened muscles and bones Loss of heightClimacteric: 2-3 year reaction period to post-fertile time Harry Harlow: Believed that physical comfort was more important in a child becoming attached to their parent. This was a stab at the "cupboard theory." He conducted an experiment with Rhesus monkeys to verify his claimsDiana Baumrind: Came up with ideas of four "parenting styles." Authoritative, where parents and children negotiate. Authoritarian, where parents have all the power. Permissive, where parents let children do whatever. And neglectful, where parents completely ignore childrenErik Erikson: Created "stages of development" that he believed all humans go through. Each stage had a necessary lesson /development. Moral Jean Piaget Created stages of cognitive development that ALL HUMANS go through WITHOUT SKIPPING.Information-Processing Theory A conceptual model of how information is stored in the brain. States that our brain receives input information from the environment and processes it in order to store it in memory. Basically says that our brain works somewhat like a computer
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