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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Thomasville Public Library A Day in the Life of a Teen Coordinator About Robin: Teen Coordinator Associate's Degree in Advertising & Graphic DesignPreviously worked in a credit union, photography studio, freelancing11 years. 4 titles. Current title: Teen Coordinator The teen coordinator is in charge of the teen department. With that comes supervising, assisting teenagers, organizing teen events, etc. The job enhances one's cognizance of marketing, as the teen coordinator also has to find a way to spread the word about activities at the library for teens. Calling all teens!More at the library than justbooks; come hang out withother teens at a safe and funactivity organized just forteens! About the Job 35-40 hours a weekAverage pay: $25-28k/yrAlthough the digital platform is ever growing and there is always the impending threat of physical books becoming antiquated, the job itself is stableOther perks health insurance FREE MOVIE NIGHTS BOOK CLUBS, GUEST SPEAKERS, & MUCH MORE ARTS/CRAFTS [paint, photography, drama, etc.] GAME NIGHTS [all consoles] Planningthe teen summer reading program is a year-long process THOMASVILLE TEEN SPACE REQUIREDSKILLS Basic computer skillsReading [it is a library, after all.]Writing [for reports & such]Professionalism DesignMarketingPeople skillsTechnological skills MORESKILLS Jobs at the library aretailored to eachindividual employee. Skill and interest levels indifferent aspects helpdetermine what you do. FUN FACT Among Robin's pastinterests laymeteorology,sociology,archeology, andphysics. IMPORTANT TRAITS TO HAVE The Reference Desk This job is more than just coordinating teen activities.It also includes working the reference desk. People whowould like to use a computer request it through thereference desk. During tax season or voting season,there will be people with specific questions. Peoplewith questions about anything ranging from where to find something to what tonight's forecast is lookinglike can ask here. As the title would suggest, the taskhere is to refer people to what they seek. Multitasking abilities Whether working in the office or the reference desk, one must be able to handle all their duties at once, like individually assigned projects, such as making posters or flyers for an event, bookmarks, etc.Patience Patrons are not as familiar with the way the library works as you are. More than likely, when teaching someone about something you will have to work from the ground up.Be organized For the sake of the patron as well as the librarian, everything has a place and an order for easy access. The mostrewarding thingabout this job isseeing theprogress asprograms andactivities succeed. The most taxingaspect of it is allthe red tape whenit comes topitching andinitiating ideas. The teen coordinator takes requests forbooks or movies that are not already inthe county's public library system.During the year, especially in thesummer, the teen coordinator arrangesfor different ways to motivate teens toread, such as prizes for most pages/hoursread or having them fill out book ticketsa weekly drawing for a smaller prize. What sets this job apart? It is a job that will keep you busy, but not overworked, and it feels fantastic to know you have helped someone with a simple answer or assisting them through something more complex. In this line of work, you will encounter many differentkinds of people. It is a service job, and there will be pushy patrons. Sometimes people just want to talk. Be open, but be firm, if need be. From Robin Get an education before you work. Get your degree first and then go for the job. Most importantly, do what you really want to do. ADVICE From Robin to Robin to You Learn to like fiction! Summer Reading Stats For grades 6-12 Registered participants: 117 Total events held: 16 Total attendees: 292 Total Young Adult books in circulation during Summer Reading [June 1- August 31]: 2958 for 2013
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