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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Rulers Art and Architecture are what are considered to be the greatest achievements of the Safavid Dynasty this was due to a great support of the arts by its government Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 3. 2. The Deutsche Mark lost 75% of it's value during WW1. It was after the war,however, when hyperinflationbegan Meat consumption dropped88% from pre-war levels = 50,000 deaths to starvation or hypothermia 1918 post pre Agricultural production dropped 16% Isma'il I: The Founder of the Safavid Dynasty. He converted the empire from Sunni to Shi'a Islam(claiming he was a partof Ali's genealogy).He was also a big patronof the arts which is oneof the things the Safavid Dynasty is most known for War Guilt Loss of land 1. Military restrictions Germany lost 13% of its land in the treaty,including 12% ofits population Area of Control NOVEMBERCRIMINALS right wing (USPD) some supportedthe left wing Abbas I: He is often timesconsidered to be the greatest ruler of the Safavid Dynasty. Whenhe took control the empire was fragmentedbut he united the empireand expanded it vastly.This is especially true in regards to the military,an expansion that wouldgreatly aid in the fight against the ottomans. Both attempted revolutions: The army was resicted to 100,000 men with other restrictionsalso taking effect: The newly formed socialistgovernment was blamed- and branded the Sparticist Uprising Jan 1919 Kapp Putch Mar 1920 (Fatherland Party) Some supported the 1916 Cost of a loaf of bread: Nov 1923 - 200,000,000,000 D Marks Sept 1922 - 163 D Marks The Safavid Dynasty 68% of zinc ore possessed 48% of ironore lost 26% of coalresources lost The Safavid Dynasty controlled the area that is known as modern day Iran and parts of Turkey and Georgia Challenges to the Region The biggest challenge of the Safavid Dynasty was the frequent attack of the Ottoman turks and the constant battle to keep the land they had and gain more. Methods of Control The Safavid Empire was founded by a Sufi order who believed strongly in the power of Ali and his lineage. Thus the empire had strong roots inIslam and therefore Islam was used to unite thepeople and was the only accepted religion, whichalso resulted in a pretty substantial amount of control of the people. The government was known as a theocracy. The government also work to capitalize on the location of the empire in regards to trading and trade routes. This greatly strengthened the empire's economy. a gunpowder empire Eventual Decline Eventually the Ottoman threat from the West declined. The frequent battles with the Ottoman are what kept the empire so unified and therefore when it was no longer their main concern, the governmentbecame filled with paranoia and corruption.
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