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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Perfect Teacher Personal adaptive Well-Balanced Role model "Down to earth" Sense of humor -A passion to make a difference in the lives of young people. Has a love of learning. -Makes individualconnections and relationships with each student, of any ethnicity, race/gender/culture/socio-economic status -Able adapt to each students learning needs/stylesand is presentand available for each student when problems arise. - Sets high expectations for allstudents. Theres a time for playand theres a time to challenge students. A teacher should be ableto incorporate both aspects intothe classroom and create a balancedand creative learning environment. -Has an eye for making sure each student is included and helping students feel apart of a learning community. -Someone who exemplifies good values and morals to students. What makes a teacher special? Passionate -Knows how to create a classroom that makeslearning fun and interactive, where every student isengaged and participating. Emma McLaughlinEDUC 300 -Able to get on the studentslevel and make the studentsfeel comfortable in their own skin. Makes the classroom less intimidating for studentsby creating activities that willpull students gradually out oftheir comfort zone. Inclusive Enthusiatic Thinkers -and has a caring attitude these aspects of a teacher sets the tone of the classroom. The teachers enthusiasm is contagiousand will rub off on the students response to learning. -Great teachers engage students and getthem to look at issues in a variety of ways. They are also prepared and organized andhave a set agenda.
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