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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Physical Cognitive and Language Social/Emotional the many Development The Preschool Years Developmental characteristics REDFLAGS Developmental characteristics REDFLAGS Developmental characteristics 1.Count ten or more objects2.Have a greater attention span3.Recognize familiar words, such as "STOP"4.Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes.5.Better understand the concept of time and the order of daily activities REDFLAGS 1. falls frequently or diifficulty using stairs2.simple interested in pretend play 4.separation anzieties5.difficulty manipulating small objects. 1. is unable to communicate in shortphrases or understand simple instructions2.unable to communicate appropriately.3.does not understand the concept of past, present, and future 4.not able to understand the rules of a basic game, such as Memory 5.does not recognize her name when she sees it printed interested in pretend play 2. does not respond to people outside the family.3.shows no interest in interactive games or fantasy play.4.cannot separate from her or his parents without major protest5.separation anzieties 1.body development they gain more muscle and become more norrow and slender.2. three years old more active have the ability to hop on one foot and can put on shoes.3.4 years old have plenty of energy and move during seated activities .4.4 years old skipping and throwing blalls overhead also skills like cutting and scissors .5. 5 years old riding a bicycle and motor skills of standing for long time and can print and create drawings and tie their shoes. 1.Recognition of Ability2.Relationships with Peers3.Interactions with Peers4.Expression of Emotion5.Empathy 1 given daily opportunities to engage in motor play.2. include opportunities to exercise3.Play games with your child Following rules, routines, anddirections Identifying feelings in oneself andothers Controlling anger and impulses Problem solving Suggesting play themes and activities 1.When reading a story, askyour child what happenedfirst, next and last.2.Ask your child to help yousort the laundry and separatelight and dark clothes intodifferent piles.3.Encourage your child to findthe solution to a problem byproviding assistance ratherthan giving him/her thesolution
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