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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 POLIOMYELITIS POLIOMYELITIS Poliomyelitis, also called polio, is a highly contagious viral infection thatcan cause paralysis. There are threemain types of polio- spinal, bulbar, and bulbospinal polio. Spinal polio is when the virus attacks the spinal cord and willattack motor neurons, which causes paralysis in the armsand legs. This may even cause breathing problems.Bulbar polio is when the neuronsresponsible for sight, tastes,swallowing and breathing.Bulbospinal is when the virus does both of these. The polio virus is originally exchanged between fecal-oralcontact. This disease can be common in places with lowsanitation standards. Also, a common way it is spread is through contaminated water. From 1980-1999 only 162 polio cases were filed. Non-Paralytic polio symptomsare commonly flu-like symptomssuch as fever, sore throat, fatigue, headache, back and neck tenderness, meningitis, muscle spasms and a fewmore.Paralytic polio will start likenon-paralytic polio, but will eventuallybecome more aggressive symptoms such as loss of muscle reflexes, muscle spasms, or pain that is strongeron one side of the body. Doctors can diagnose this by commonly seeing if there is present neck and back stiffness, abnormalreflexes, or trouble with swallowing or breathing. If the doctor suspect polio, they will preform lab tests using secretions from the throat, stool samples, or cerebrospinal fluid collections. Dr. Jonas Salk invented the poliovaccine in 1952. Because of the large scale epidemic in the this time, Salk did not want to have a cost for this vaccine. Therefore, he never patented this. Due to Salk's vaccine, the epidemic in the United States went from 28,985 in 1955, to 5,894 by 1957.
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