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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. MIM What is Copyright, and why is it important? BIBLIOTECAS FÍSICASLITERATURA GRISREVISTAS PAPEL BIBLIOTECA DIGITALREPOSITORIOSBASES DE DATOSOBJETOS DE APRENDIZAJEREVISTAS DIGITALESLIBROS DIGITALES double click to change this title text! Source: [ ] ? Can I use it? YES* NO* © 1. If no copyright exists, the answer is yes!2. If it is an open license, the answer is yes!3. If you have a license, you can use licensed materials under the license conditions. 4. If it is used under "fair-dealing," you canuse this source...with citations! 1. If copyright does exist...2. If there is a closed license...3. If you do not have a license...4. If it is not used under "fair-dealing" may need permission to use this source! If you are unsure, it is alwayssafe to ask for permission, anduse citations! * Source: [ ] Plagiarism: "the wrongful appropriationand stealing and publicationof another author's language,thoughts, ideas, or expressionsand the representation of themas one's original work." double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Source: [ ] Plagiarism: What is it? What does this mean?Cite cite cite! See my"Citation Examples"poster for APA citation formats! Digital Locks, or Technological Protection Mechanisms (TPM's) Digital Locks, or TPM's, are put in place by those who have works under copyright, to ensure these works are not accessed, or copied without permission. Media sources such as:-CD's-Movies-Music-E-books-Gamesare under digital locks, to prevent illegal downloads without the use of a third party downloading site. Using these third party sites is illegal, and breaching digital locks, and copyright agreements. Source: [] Fair-Dealing Fair-dealing is an exception to copyright given, permitting LIMITED and NON-COMMERCIAL copying and use of materials. Fair-dealing is only granted for specific purposes, whichinclude research, private study, criticism, review, newsreporting, education, parody, and satire. If the purposes ofusing a source are outside of those listed, it is not consideredto be within fair-dealing, and is subject to copyright laws. Source: [ ] © © reative ommons Attribution: Allows others to change and distribute your work, as long as credit is given to the creator for the original. Attribution: No-Derivatives: Allows both commercial and non-commercial redistribution. Source must remain unchanged, and credit is given to the creator. Attribution: Share-Alike: Allows othersto change your work, can be commerciallyused, as long as credit is given to the creator for the original. Attribution: Non-Commercial Share-Alike: Allows others to change your work, as long as it is non-commercial. Credit is given to the creatorfor the original. Attribution: Non-Commercial No-Derivatives:Allows only downloading and sharing of youroriginal work, without change, and with creditto the creator for the source. Attribution: Non-Commercial: Allows othersto change your work, must be non-commercially. Their works must credit you, and be non-commercial as well. They do not have to licensethis derivative work the same as you. Creative Commons is licensing that allows copyright of intellectual property. It also allows the creator of said property to list the conditions under which their materialscan be used. This could be allowing a photo to be used, but not allowing it to be changed in any way, with attributions made to the creator for use of the photo. © © © © © © Source: [ ] Public Domain If a piece of work does not fall under copyright laws, it is considered to be public domain. This could be a result of copyright expiry, or that the source is notcopyrightable.
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