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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Manzanar AUSCHWITZ vs. The differences Manzanar Auschwitz About each story 4.1 million people died in Auschwitz 135 people died in Manzanar Elie Wiesel was a 15 year old boy who lived in Sighet,Translyvania. As a teenager he wastaken from his home in 1944 to a concentration camp.He was separatedfrom his family and never got reunitedNight was a book about Elie's life ashe lived through the Holocaust. We get to read about the deaths of his family, friends,hopes, dreams and beliefsThis book has been trandslatedto let us feel his pain.Onceyou start reading,you will be shockedby the truth. 1. 2. NUMBERS 20 million The story Manzanar and Night starred two kids named Jeanne and Elie. Both kids were in the camps forreasons but they were treated very differenttreated very different arrangements. This book takes place after the bombing of the Boston Harbor. The military takes this as a validation of war with Japan. So, they go and round up all of theJapanese-Americans and make sure they are not spies for Japan. Jeannes family is apart of this groupand is taken from their home.Her father is arrested but as soonas he gets back to his family he goes crazy. This is the story about Jeanne, a girl who is only 7, going through a rough time. Japanese Internment Facts *..consisting mainly of tarpaper barracks. Families dined together at communal mess halls, and children were expected to attend school. Adults had the option of working for a salaryof $5 per day. The United States government hoped that theinterns could make the camps self-sufficient by farming to produce food. But cultivation on arid soil was quite a challenge."Work Cited: "Japanese-American Internment." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. *Food later improved as it incorporated fresh fruits andvegetables and some Japanese dishes including rice. In a letter dated May 15, 1942, a student describedlunch: milk, bread, spaghetti, potatoes and salad,no second helpings except for milk and bread. Special treats such as candy, soda and ice cream could be bought by over the fence purchases withlocal stores -- customers and retailers met at thebarbed wired fences and exchanged cash for food.Once the canteens opened (towards the end of May1942) snacks (as well as toilet articles, magazinesand cigarettes) could be bought in camp."Work Cited: "Food." Camp Harmony Exhibit -. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. Auschwitz Interment Facts *Two types of barracks, brick and wooden, housed prisonersin Birkenau concentration camp. The brick buildingswere erected in great haste, without suitableinsulation, on marshy ground. More than 700 peoplewere assigned to each barracks."Work Cited: "Auschwitz-Birkenau: Living Conditions, Labor & Executions." Living Conditions, Labor & Executions at Auschwitz-Birkenau. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. *For prisoners, meal times were the most important event of each day.After morning roll call the prisoners would be given their morning 'meal' imitation coffee or herbal tea. For lunch prisoners mayhave been given watery soup. If they were lucky, they might find a piece of turnip or potato peel. In the evening prisoners may have been given a small piece of black bread; they may also have received a tiny piece of sausage, or some marmalade or cheese.Work Cited: "Meals." And Food in the Concentration Camps. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.
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