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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Prevention Kidney Cancer Kidney cancer is the abnormal growth of cells inkidney tissue. In time, these cells form a masscalled a tumor. Cancer begins when somethingtriggers a change in the cells, and they divide outof control. A cancerous, or malignant, tumor canmetastasize, or spread, to other tissues and vital organs. Symptoms Treatment Causes The exact cause of kidney cancer is notknown, but several risk factors have beenidentified. A risk factor is something --such as a characteristic or behavior --that increases your chance of developinga disease. Risk factors for kidney cancer include:Smoking Smokers are at greater risk forkidney cancer. In addition, the longer a personsmokes, the higher the risk.Radiation Women who have been treatedwith radiation for cancer of the reproductiveorgans may have a slightly increased risk fordeveloping kidney cancer.Gene changes (mutations) Genes containinstructions for a cells function. Changes incertain genes can increase the risk ofdeveloping kidney cancer.Family history People who have familymembers with kidney cancer may have anincreased risk for developing the cancer themselves. Symptoms of kidney cancer can include:Blood in the urine (a condition called hematuria)A lump or mass in the kidney areaTirednessLoss of appetite and/or weightLow-grade feverPain in the sideBone painA general sense of not feeling wellHigh blood pressure Treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stageand grade of the tumor, and the patient's age and overallhealth. Surgery is the most common treatment for kidneycancer. Several surgical options may be considered, including:Simple nephrectomy The surgeon removes just the kidney.Partial nephrectomy The surgeon removes just the part ofthe kidney that contains the tumor.Radical nephrectomy The surgeon removes the whole kidney,along with the adrenal gland and some of the tissue around thekidney. Some lymph nodes in the area also may be removed. description here description here description here description here description here description here description here description here 51% 11% Stages of Kidney Cancer Diagnosis Because the exact cause of kidney cancer is not known,there is no known prevention. However, you may be ableto reduce your risk by quitting smoking, and avoidingexposure to asbestos and cadmium. Urine tests A sample of urine is tested to see if it contains blood.Even very small traces of blood, invisible to the naked eye, can bedetected in tests of urine samples.Blood tests These tests are done to count the number of eachof the different kinds of blood cells. A blood test can show if thereare too few red blood cells (anemia).Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) This is a special type of X-ray.During an IVP, a special dye containing iodine is given through aneedle inserted into a vein, and a series of X-rays are taken.The dye travels through the bloodstream and eventually intothe kidneys, making the kidneys easier to see on the X-rays. Frequency in Population Stage I The tumor is confined to the renal capsule(the fibrous tissue surrounding the kidney) and is smallerthan ¾ inch in length or larger than ¾ inch but has notspread to lymph nodes or other tissue. (Lymph nodesare small "filters" that trap germs and cancer cells,and store infection-fighting cells.)Stage II The tumor has spread to the surroundingfat and adrenal gland (small gland that sits on top of the kidney.)Stage III The tumor has spread to the major blood vessels the renal vein and inferior vena cava -- and regional lymph nodes.Stage IV The cancer has spread to nearby organs or lymph nodes,or to distant organs. Kidney cancer represents about 3 percent of all cancers in theUnited States. Each year, more than 28,000 Americans arediagnosed with kidney cancer. The risk of kidney cancer increaseswith age. It is more common in men than in women.
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