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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The event horizon is the point of no return. In this diagram, the bubble isthe radius of the event horizon. Onceyou pass the line of the event horizon,there is no escape. Unfortunately, this is where your life would end. A silent,dark, black hole with your moleculesbreaking from each others grasp. Black Holes By Lucas Connelly This is what it would look like to look directly into a black hole from a safe distance. Keep in mind a safe distance is around the length from the Earth to the Sun. This is from the point of view of someoneif they were to watchsomeone go intoa black hole.The reason why itlooks like the astronautis fading away is because a blackholes gravitational pullis so great, that it does not even let light escape. So,if you passed the event horizon, A.K.A. the pointof no return, you wouldget sucked in. But, from the point of view of another person it looks as if you are not moving because the light cannot come outof the black hole into your eyes. Stellar black holes form when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself. This collapse also causes a supernova, or an exploding star, that blasts part of the star into space. If the Earth were to travel behind a black hole, it would look like this becausethe light is warped from the black hole. The light is warpedbecause the black hole distortslight around it because of its intense gravitational pull. Now, could the world end because of a black hole? The answer to that is no. This would not happenbecause once a black hole is formed it remains stationary because there is nothing making it orbit around or near other planets. Another reason is that for a black hole to form, the star needs to bevery big. So big, that it has to be several time more massive than the sun to become a black hole. There are no stars that big that are close to the Earth. So, the Earth will not get sucked into a blackhole and have it, and its habitants molecules ripped apart.
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