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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Oceans at risk by the Climate change What is CO2?,and how its changing our climate. CO2 is a gas produced by coal, and is let out by factories and cars.To much CO2 in the atmosphere causewarming to the earth and that will causeproblems. Current warming has caused serious changes in the weather. Certain weather events have became more recurring and more extreme. These weather events include heat waves,droughts ,floods and heavy rain TOP 3 CO2-Emitting countries. Million metric tons of CO2 CHINA8715.31 U.S5490.63 Russia1788.14 WHAT CO2 CAN DO TO THE CLIMATE Impacts from 4°C of warming is very sever. heat waves and irregular patterns in rainfall can increase if this happens. 1 impact that can happen is the water levels of the main rivers and water basins. 2 degree rise can cause the Danube, Mississippi and Amazon river basin can drop 20-40% while the Nile and Ganges would rise up to 20%.4°C rising would double the changes and can influence more flooding and droughts . If temperatures rises by 2050 the forest fires in the Amazon rain forest can double. 4°C rising would increase the fires drastically. How are oceans affect by the Climate change? ACIDIFICATION AND CORAL Oceans around the world are getting warmer and more acidic since the 1990s. Acidification happens when the oceans consume CO2 that comes from our activities. When acidification occur it minimize the levels of calcium carbonate minerals in the water, The minerals are for the corals,shellfish, and other organisms to build their shells and skeletons.Coral Bleaching is When ocean temperatures rise it can trigger coral bleaching. As temperature rise,Coral let out small algae that are in their tissues and it supply the corals with food and their colors. After the algae are let out , the coral start to starve and will turn white.Coral can recover from bleaching time to time, but then coral can be weak and then it will kill the coral. Bleaching killed apart of the Great barrier reef and the Florida reef. Hypoxia Hypoxia is the most damaging to ocean pollution. Hypoxia is the lack of oxygen that happen when extra nitrogen and nutrients from animal and plant growth(phosphorus) goes into bays and coastal waters. Animal waste from farmlands and excess fertilizer are the key of the nutrients, And burning fossil fuel releases nitrogen. These nutrients produce large amounts of plankton that soon later die. After the plankton die the bacteria breaks it down, and then consume lots of dissolved oxygen from the water around that the water cannot support life anymore. This process affect lakes,bays and ocean waters close to the shore. Till this day there is 500 dead zones around the world, and The dead zones cover 96,000 square miles. Since 1960s, The dead zones doubled every 10 years with the world population. Hypoxia is the most damaging to ocean pollution. Hypoxia is the lack of oxygen that happen when extra nitrogen and nutrients from animal and plant growth(phosphorus) goes into bays and coastal waters. Animal waste from farmlands and excess fertilizer are the key of the nutrients, And burning fossil fuel releases nitrogen. These nutrients produce large amounts of plankton that soon later die. After the plankton die the bacteria breaks it down, and then consume lots of dissolved oxygen from the water around that the water cannot support life anymore. This process affect lakes,bays and ocean waters close to the shore. Till this day there is 500 dead zones around the world, and The dead zones cover 96,000 square miles. Since 1960s, The dead zones doubled every 10 years with the world population. How humans are affecting the Oceans BLEACHING BLEACHING What we can do to help minimize CO2 in our atmosphere is to plant trees to make forests,so they can absorb carbon out of the air. Dumping iron into the oceans so it will help the plankton grow and so it will absorb the CO2. No treaty have been sign to start helping the CO2 control,but changing the weather and climate might be too much and could hurt humans or wildlife. How can we improve our ecosystem? Word Wildlife Fund(WWF). (2012). Ocean Pollution Is a Global Threat. In D. A. Miller (Ed.), Current Controversies. Pollution. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from Marine Problems: Pollution, n.d.) Retrieved from Weeks, J. (2013, June 14). Climate change. CQ Researcher, 23, 521-544. Retrieved from double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. If you don't keep a watch on people,Illegal fishing often resume after the practice is banned. Driftnets is 1 example of and illegal fishing practice. Driftnets is a huge net that have floats on top and is like a curtain in the ocean, and snare what swims into them. Dolphins,seals and whales are some of the species that get stuck in them. In 1992 the U.N banned driftnets, and the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, which regulates the Atlantic tuna fishery. French , Italian and Moroccan boats still resume using the drift nets illegally.New technology have help regulators,fishermen and conservation groups help discover illegal fishing in large reserves. Sonar buoys and hydrophones are technology that help the fishermens. The U.S took action to help get nations to sign the Port State Measures Agreement, That agreement require people to keep fish that is caught illegally off the stores. The agreement got approved in last April. Weeks, J. (2014, October 17). Protecting the oceans. CQ Researcher, 24, 865-888. Retrieved from
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