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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Houston, Lamar, and Jones "To develop their oral communication skills, students need numerous opportunities to listen and to talk about a range of subjects" -Focus Attention-Make Connections-Summarize Orally-Verbal and Non Verbal Response-Seek Clarification Houston was very cautious in his polices. Listening is one of themost important skillsof the 4 (reading, writing,speaking and listening) andis considered very social! DRAMA LANGUAGE ARTS FRENCH CLASSMATE INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT ORDERING FROMA MENU GIVING DIRECTIONS SKIT PRESENTATION Language: Oral Communication Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones were the first, second and third presidents of Texas. Language Curriculum Document, 2006 CROSS CURRICULARCLASSROOM ACTIVITIES UNESCO, Statement for the United Nations Literacy Decade, 2003–2012 Consider whether your students understand YOUR communication skills. Think about your vocabulary and style of speech you use when communicating! LeLoup & Pontero, 2007 LISTENING STRATEGIES expectation: B2.1 (FRENCH) expectation:1.2 (listening)2.4 (speaking) expectation:1.4 (listening) expectation:2.5 (speaking) Students take turnsordering food items off a created menu to practice proper speaking expectations Students will intervieweach other (listening for answer) and then present each other to the classto practice spoken language Students can look at a map, and one partner will give theother directions to get to a specific location; tests studentsto make sure they are listeningto the appropriate directionsgiven. Students will work ingroups to present a skit to the class so that they can be assessed on their oral speaking skills French language can be assessed in the samemanner as English languageas they have similar expectations,especially when it comes to the four strands Video recording can be a great way to assess the spoken portion of oralcommunication without takingup too much classroom time Constant anecdotal notes to see where students stand and to communicate with LRTs or other staff members to help students who struggle with oralcommunication, whether it be speaking or listening.
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