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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Gr 8/9 students serve as leadersfor Outdoor Education and curriculum-related tripsStudents lead Me to We InitiativesStudents showcase their work in university settings Community outreach to post-secondary studentsduring Civic and Provincial Elections to encouragevoter turnoutParticipate in multi-grade academic mentorship programOrganize, coordinate, and lead Intramural and Daily Physical Activity sessions Student voice is valued Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectesursed do amusardo. ale horror Text Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectesursed do amusardo. Crafts Programming Games COMIC gardening Text female 30% double click to change this title text! 70% double click to change this header text! Provide environmental, outdoor and global education learning opportunities for students to experience and appreciate the world outside of the classroom and to develop social, leadership, and stewardship skills. Ethical Leadership and Environmental Stewardship Outdoor Education Global Awareness Social Responsibility double click to change this header text! Student Leadership 0 20 40 60 80 100 January February March April May June July 63 Outdoor andenvironmental education trips in Alberta and BC 14 Offsite tripsfor electives double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. 100% of students value outdoor education experiences Offer outdoor pursuitsprograms forstudents in all grades Host school-wide annual Peace Festival Support Me to We clubs and electivesFunded 2 classrooms in Nepal and provide on-going school supportSupported construction of 2 homes for orphans through Hands at Work AfricaCollaborate with immigrant Canadians to create"Your Story is My Story" books Identified Free the Children WE School Foster a culture of mutual respectSafe and caring environment 93.6% of students said they felt safe at school 90% of students reported never being cyber-bulliedGr 7 students engaged in a balanced examination of Northern Gateway Pipeline. Featured in Education Canada magazine and as an exemplar for U of C course - Science For Responsible Living
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