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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 population of United States: 325.2 million. population of South America: 387.5 million population of Africa: 1.111 billion population of Asia: 4.427 billion population of Europe: 742.5 million population of Australia: 23.13 million carrying capacity: the maximum amount of individuals in a population that an environment can support. Exponential growth rate: a growth pattern in which the population increases at a constant rate. Logistic growth rate: an exponential growth rate that plateaus Factors that affect population growth rate:- birth rate- death rate- immigration/ emigration rateFactors that affect global population:- Weather-Natural Disaster- Disease Density dependent factor: Limits a populations growth based on population densityExample: competition Density independent factor: Limits a population, regardless of density Example: a natural disaster Calculations:We started by calculating the amount of light the earth received and how many calories could be produced per day. This was :1.2 x 10 to the 14th. Then, given that all people became vegetarians and need 3,000 calories per day, we calculated the amount of herbivore humans the earth could sustain. By dividing the previously calculated available calories by 3,000 for the average person, we got carrying capacity. If all people on earth became herbivores the earth could sustain 22 billion people. (This doesn't take into account water or space.) Human Carrying Capacity Based on Calorie Intake
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