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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 gracias don bosco por ayudar y amar a los jovenes yeinny juliana riveros leon DIOS Y LA VIRGEN DIOS Y LA VIRGEN Obedience Our goal is to make the Earth abetter place. In order to do that, we need the people in our societyto know that persons with certaincharacteristics would be the first step in this endeavor. We need someonewho will listen to thepeople and feel whatthey feel in order forthem to know what is best for us.... DON BOSCO Y LOS JOVENES Don bosco hoy en dia es un ejemplo a seguir y sus hijos, los jovenes lo amamos. Dios le dijo a don bosco por muchos sueños como ayudar a los jovenes al igual que maria guiandolo por su camino. One needs to learn how to follow rulesbefore he can enforce them. We need someonewho is not afraid tosay "this is what I think is right and noone's going to change it." NACIMIENTO 1815 El amor que don bosco tuvo por los jovenes fue inmenso les dio educacion,alimento,cariño y un hogar We need someone who knows a lot and has learnedfrom his many mistakes so our country will not fallback but push forward.... Don bosco ayudo mucho a los jovenes dandoles amor ,cariño y comprension por eso par ellos era como un padre. DON BOSCO VIVE 2015 DON BOSCO VIVE 2015 EL ORATORIODon bosco hizo un oratorio para ayudar a los jovenes dandoles amor gracias a mama margarita les pudo dar un hogar. double click to change this title text! don bosco David's experience hadmade him Israel's greatestkings.... Elijah stood up for Godagainst the hundreds ofBaal followers.... Today, we need to find leadersthat will aid us in the development of our country. The people you choose musthave most of the traits we havementioned above. Only you, the people have the power to choose who to elect and make us prosper. Gideon listened to Godno matter how crazy His requests are...
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