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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 exercise voice and decision making called names, made fun of or insulted Pushed, shoved, orspit on. Involvement in school democracy...Students need to experience democratic practices sothat they may become competent citizensin a representative democracy (Crick, 1998)The best predictor of political and civic activism isinvolvement in school democracy and the promotion of active and politically literate citizens.Research highlights the importance of a democratic ethos of schools for enhancing and individual's self-efficacy and willingness to participate (Hoskins et al, 2012)The 'YES' Youth Electoral Study found thatif the culture of schools is to value democracyand democratic practices within the school,then students will appreciate and engage inactivities. Engagement in experiential community service...Students also participate in a democracythrough engagement in experiential community service-volunteering. However, volunteeringis not citizenship without a knowledge base,without a process that enhances skills of discovery and advocacy or without attemptsto influence local authorities, councillors etc. Volunteering becomes citizenship when the volunteers are well-briefed on the whole context, and activities are a mixture of knowledge and skills with activities that enhance thesetwo dimensions. School based predictors of engagement in voluntary work or political/civic activism: Media, role-modelling and school experienceare the primary influences of young people'slearning about politics , democracy and civic activism. How these indicators manifest in schools: How teachers can encourage these indicators of political/civic activism: Create experiential and project-based approaches What can we do as teachers to encourage active citizens? Teaching awareness ofwhat institutions arerelevant to influencingand resolving an issueor problem Develop general'political literacy'empowering studentsto participate effectively as active,informed, critical and responsible citizens (Crick, 2007) Currency and relevance oftopics as well as a range of highly authentic and engaging resources the encouragement ofdemocratic participation through membership of groups/associations, Raise the status of student governance within the school culture Increase participatoryand authentic pedagogy-class voting-group enquiry-simulations-fieldwork-cooperative learning create a connectedness:it is important to include broader civic and political aspects of adolescents' activities and beliefs young people 18-25 aredisengaging fromelectoral responsibilities400,000 Australian youth are non-compliant or non-voting!! Design authentic learning environments, connect to the community, support youth voice and encourage engagement with issues of social justice Research shows that participation in civics and citizenship education at school has a positive effect on students' political efficacy, willingness to vote, participate actively in civic issues and volunteering in the future. (Niemi & Junn, 1998) By participating in various forms of student government...young students acquire trust,political socialisation, andother characteristics of social capital. Informal Curriculum:-student government-volunteering-fund-raising-democratically run student organisations-newspapers-debating-contacting the media-signing petitions-boycotting products Formal curriculum:Democracy, government, politics and civic knowledge is conceptualisedwithin the curriculum incivics & citizenship, history, social studies, literacy. Encourage informed, meaningful and critical discussion on societal issues Students need OPPORTUNITY!!-open classroom climate-use of simulators-social participation in communities-collaborative development-opportunities for agency & social relatedness-opportunities to constructknowledge, skills andpolitical literacy Created by Gina Barnes Utilise new media: Social networks are a tool that help shapehow problems are framed and representedin the public eye. They can enhance the capabilities of youthto discover these narratives and enter the conversation with others
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