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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Chinese New Year Chinese New Year definition The Chinese festival marking the start of the new year beginning on the second new moon and ending 15 days later it is marked by visits to family and friends special meals fireworks and gift giving Dog sheep horse pig rabbit monkey facts - 2015 is the year of the sheep - the Chinese new year is the symbolic of letting go of the past and welcoming new beginnings.- 5 more girls like chinese new year than boys. 4 more boys dislike chinese new year than girls. 5 more girls like chinese new year over boys... awesome satistics satistics about 1.4 BILLION people celebrate Chinese new year world wide2.556 BILLION panenger trips are made during chinese new year 2.556 BILLION!!!! 4 more boys dislike Chinese new year than girls chinese new year anmials dragon tiger snake ox rat rooster defintion 2 legend has it that in ancient times Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese new year 12 came. he named a year after each one he announced that that people born in that year would have a bit of the animals personally. legend has it that in ancient times Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese new year 12 came. he named a year after each one he announced that that people born in that year would have a bit of the animals personally. the fat cat story my cat cloud has the nickname Buddha so she told the animals to meet her and said that anyone born in that year would have part of the animals personally. my cat cloud has the nickname Buddha so she told the animals to meet her and said that anyone born in that year would have part of the animals personally. why is chinese new year better than easter why is chinese new year better than easter Chinese new year is better than Easter because it does not have mithicl creatures like the Easter bunny and on Chinese new year you get money and many people cerebrate the lanterns or the Chinese festival
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