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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Give clear instructions Define for non-expert readers Clarify Ask students for their perspective Show cultural diversity new & specialized terms Depict people in arespectful & modern setting Include examples fromother cultures non-English terms & use italics Define review Forgo gendered assumptions & stereotypes activity &assessment styles Writing process Write like you speak. Don't lecture.Use commonly understood, everyday words. Address studentsdirectly with active voice & humans as sentence subjects. Did you cover everything? Did you define terms & acronyms?Have you explained with examples and visuals? Can non-experts understand? Did you model academic citations?Will students know how assignments are evaluated?Do you sound helpful? write Who are the students?What do you want to say?What can you achieve in theavailable timelines?What existingresourcesare available? organize How do I write for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences? Identify conceptsthat might needclarification or media. Use headings to show hierarchy of ideas.Track 3rd-party materials thatrequire copyrightpermissions. Write for a linguistically diverse audience diversity of beliefs Respect Vary Use visual aids toreduce the language barrier Match media to theunit context Interculturalization resources OLA Fairness to AllTRU: A Globally Minded CampusA Handbook for Educators of Aboriginal StudentsTRU-OL Editorial Style Guide (wiki in development)TRU-OL Standardized Course GuideTRU-OL Student Success Stories (marketing webpage)Good infographic file:///C:/Users/truuser/Downloads/infographic-3-30143.pdf Language, 2011 Census of Population Email: Twitter: @TRUeditorFacebook: Ask an editor Self-check As a self-check, we can ask questions like these: Would I like to be depicted this way? Would these persons approve of the way I am describing them? Am I respecting individuality? Am I stereotyping? Communicate with respect If you remember only two things:* People are individuals. * Call groups what they want to be called. (click for other resources) (we talked about using a road instead of arrows, and sign posts for the sections?) Explain Consider Provide Avoid Match culturally specificreferences the viewpoint(s)of other sexualorientations grading criteriafor students assumptionsabout experiencesor lifestyles media to theunit context Indigenous refers to a variety of Aboriginal groups, is often used in an international context. Aboriginal peoples are the first inhabitants of Canada, including First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples.First Nation(s) describes Aboriginal peoples of Canada who are ethnically neither Inuit or Metis.Inuit refers to specific groups of Aboriginal people living in the far north. Inuit are not considered "Indians" under Canadian law.Metis are the cultures and ethnic identities resulting from unions between Aboriginal and European peoples. Non-Aboriginal Canadian is more inclusive than European Canadian. Quick reference plan Who are OL students? (pull from marketing's data?) Ask an editor In 2011, 26% of people in BC spoke a language other than English or French as their first language. In Vancouver, more than half (57.7%) of the overall population speak an immigrant language most often at home. In 2011, 17.5% of the Canadian population (5.8 million persons) speak at least two languages at home.Last year, 40% of SFUs undergraduate students spoke a language other than English in their homes. (maybe we can get TRU-OL specific numbers?)15% spoke Cantonese12% spoke Mandarin2% Korean1% Punjabi10% spoke other languages
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