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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2010 2011 Cabri Support Family = Support Child Lorem Co-constructionwith child,observe andtalk aboutinterests. Not - what the child is doing. Yes - what the child isthinking. Amet The four foundations Assessment Strategies should encourage children to show what they know and can do, rather thanfocus on what they do not know or cannot do. Less transitions look for children needs. "without the curiosity that moves me, that inserts me in the search, I do not learn or teach." Paulo Freite Inquiry;Investigation;Interactions;Intentional teacher. Belonging + Social Donamin = Big potential of deveopment! The child asprotagonist THINK,FEEL,ACT. I, Carolina Bretas, believe: Bronfenbrenner EcologicalTheory The environmentat school acts asteacher too! Play is the brain'sfavourite way oflearning. - Both, the environment and the biological fator,influence the child's development.- The environment affects the child and vice versa. Self Regulation The child is rich,capable,strong,colaboratorand communicator. [(Sharing+Bellonging) + ( Confidence+Collaborative Person)]==[(Sense of Comunity)+(Capable)]=≈[(Better Learning)+(Good Self Esteem)]==Good and Happy Child Pedagogy is thestudy of education,the process andways to teachingand learning. Pedagogical documentation goes beyond the record, it is the building to the next step. = [(Sharing+Belonging)+(Confidence+Colaborative Person)]= [(Sense of Community)+(Capable)] [(Better Learning)+(Good Self Esteem)]= Good Person Children need to learn thattheir feelings are fine, andhow to regulate them. Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; itis to awaken curiosity, instigate the desire togo beyond the known. It is challenging theperson to trust yourself and take a new stepin search of more.It is educating for life and new relationships. Centered Learning in Person Carl Rogers Literancy - Relationships- Talk- Family- Learning - Solving Problems- Self Regulation- Mental Healthy- Healthy Life "Imagination does not becomegreat until human beings,give the courage and thesherngth, use it to create" Maria Montessori Authentic =What is importantfor child! Say Yes as often aspossible. The more wesay yes to childrenswishes, ideas, strengthsand interests; the morethey will grow to becreative and responsible.
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