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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Springfield Public Schools Bisset Elementary LUNCH STATUS2012-2014*Free:77-79%*Reduced:6-8%*Full Pay:6-8%MOBILITY 2012-201482.1%,74.6%, and 83.1% DEMOGRAPHICS(2012-2014):Black:10-15%White:63-76%Hispanic/Latino:11-17%Am. Indian:0-1%Asian: 3% Annual Performance Report Data2012 83.6% Points Earned:Problem Areas: Std. 1/2 Science, Attendance2013 92.1% Points Earned:Problem Areas: Std.1/2 ELA, Attendance2014 66.4% Points Earned:Problem Areas: Std. 1/2 ELA, Sci., Attendance*Math is becoming a problem. Internet Usage Why are scores suffering? Today's teachers How do we improve in 2015? ATTENDANCE The percentage of students attending 90% of the time has not surpassed 85% in the past three years. In fact, it has declined, to 81% since 2012. Attendance has been known to play a role in student performance. How do we improve? 81% 81% 81% 81% 80% 80% How do we IMPROVE? What can we CONTROL? Students' ELA scores have been on a steady decline 2012-2014. Bisset Elementary achieved 100% of their points on the 2014 APR while the statewide and district achievement rate was 89% and 82% respectively for K-5 schools. But, these points were awarded because ofstudent "growth." Math scores declined overall in 2014. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Bisset Elementary's Opportunities for Improvement Bisset Elementary's Opportunities for Improvement WHY? Every subject area experienced a significant decline in 2014-Especially Science. Here's What We Know 81% 81% STAFF CHARACTERISTICSStudent/Teacher Ratios 2012-2014: 19:1, 19:1, 21:1Faculty with Advanced Degrees, 2012-201452.9%,49.4%, 45.1%Years Experience 2012-20146.1 yrs, 7 yrs, 6.8 yrs Mobility rate dropped in 2013 which was Bisset's highest performing year in the 2012-2014 range. *Refreshed MAP Test for the first time in 4 years*High Standards of Learning*More "Snow Days" than usual CONSIDER 60 Elementary Schools demographically similar to Bisset Elementary had 71% or MORE of their students achieve Proficient and/or Advanced status on the MAP.
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