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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 1. Respiratory: difficulty breathing and fluid in the lungs which could induce asthma.2. Digestive: burning sensation in mouth and throat, swelling in throat as well as throat pain and vomiting. 3. Cardio: change in blood acidity 4. Integumentary: Skin disorders5. Urinary: blood in stool * Digestive System: Nausea induced vomiting ** Nervous System: Mental and emotional instability, also frequent panic attacks*** Reproductive: Low libido, bad PMS, miscarriages and infertility, and odd sperm shape **** Endocrine System: fever burning Cardiovascular System: heart murmur and aneurysm Body Systems & Symptoms Symptoms * Nausea *chronic headaches*dizziness*fertility problems*low libido Copper 500 men have been affeccted Contaminated Lake Eerie 26% of coalresources lost Just beyond the city lights, in the Forest of Pestilence and Disease there is a lake, that appears to be flourishing with life, but is a host to all sorts of biologically harmful substances that when overly exposed to, can prove fatal. Natural Resource affected Chlorine Benzene Symptom*trouble breathing * low grade fever, *Jaundice* vomiting.* discolored skin*unusual renal STAY OUT!!! Readers Post via Twitter:@TyDolla93 : i went for a swim in the lake and was hopitalized for 2 weeks ... sucks @KattieGotBandz : i decided to drink some of the water, and i have been vommiting for 5 days@ValleyGirl97: i am never going in that deceitful water again Diochlormethane
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