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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Judicial Branch Ran By: Supreme Court and Federal District Courts Executive has the power to approve/veto laws made by the judicial branch. Legislative prepose laws and taxes that get sent to the judicial branch. Have the power to impeach the president. Executive Branch Ran By: Governor and Secretary of state Legislative Branch Ran By: House of Representitives and Senate Interesting fact! James Traficant, a Representative from Ohio was expelled for ten counts,including bribery andobstruction of justice! -Governors serve four years -Veto state bills-Secretary of stat serve four years -Most power held by govoner -Govoner can serve two consectutive terms -Justices serve for life-Declare laws unconditional-Settle disputes involving already tried cases-Hold trials-Seven justices-Four female justices -Seven justices Ohio,s example United States example Important people in each branch Judicial branch Executive branch Legislative branch Our seven justices Terrence O'Donnell ChiefMaureen O'Connor. Judith L. French Sharon L. Kennedy William M. O'Neill Paul E. Pfeifer John R. Kasich Governor Jon A. Husted secretary of state Mike DeWine attorney general Josh Mandel Treasurer Keith Faber Senate President Mike Curtin district representative Clifford Rosenberger Speaker of the house Ohio's Government Checks and balances separation of powers limited government Representive goverment Constitutional Principles Judith Ann Lanzinger - Approves state's budget-initiates tax legislation- prevents any branch from abusing its power-Debate new/current laws -99 members in the house of representitives -33 senate members Govoner Kasich cannot run in the next election, because he already 2 consecutive terms Legisitative branch is broken into two houses Lets states decide marrige laws i.e. gay marrige Legistative branch cannot prepose and pass laws The people electing Kasich two terms in a row The people elected president Obama for two terms in a row President vetoing the new oil pipeline John Kasich vetoing controversial Lake Erie bill I believe our goverment balances my personal freedoms and order within the community by having limited goverment and unalienable rights.Thomas Jefferson summed it up well byt saying, ‘’The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.’’ ( The goverment does have to take are and tend to the people, but on both an individual and group level. Some laws may restrict my personal rights, but keep my community safer. i.e. Not being able to smoke in certain places; but if you are over 18 you may smoke. Laws like these protect people and society as a whole, while still giving the individual the right to make their own choices. I believe our goverment balances my personal freedoms and order within the community by having limited goverment and unalienable rights.ThomasJefferson summed it up well byt saying, ‘’The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.’’ ( The goverment does have to take are and tend to the people, but on both an individual and group level. Some laws may restrict my personal rights, but keep my community safer. i.e. Not being able to smoke in certain places; but if you are over 18 you maysmoke. Laws like these protect people and society as a whole, while stillgiving the individual the right to make their own choices. I believe our goverment balances my personal freedoms and order within the community by having limited goverment and unalienable rights.Thomas Jefferson summed it up well by saying, ‘’The care of human life and happiness,and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.’’ ( The government has to take care and tend to the people, but on both an individual and group level. Some laws may restrict my personal rights, but keep my community safer. i.e. Not being able to smoke in certain places; but if you are over 18 you may smoke. Laws like these protect people and society as a whole, while still giving the individual the right to make their own choices.
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