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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 By: Elizabeth, Baylee, Dante, and Sabrina A Trip Through Geologic Time 542 mya -251 mya 251 mya - 66 mya 4,600 mya - 542 mya Pre-Cambrian Time Mass Extinction An example of mass extinction is when the first asteroid hitEarth and wiped out 90% of the world's organisms. Cenozoic Era Mesozoic Era Mass extinction is in whichmany types of living thingsbecame extinctat the same time. A factor that contributed to mass extinctionis when massive volcanic eruptions spewedcarbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into theatmosphere and the temperatures all over Earth increased 66 mya- Present Paleozoic Era Precambrian Time Circle Graphs Fossils Second Atmosphere Today's Atmosphere Ammonite- Ammonites are an extinct group of marine invertebrate animals in the subclass Ammonoidea of the class Cephalopoda. Brachiopod- are marine animals that have hard "valves" on the upper and lower surfaces Smilodon- any of several saber-toothed cats of the extinct genus Smilodon, that ranged from California through most of South America during the Pleistocene Epoch and had upper canineteeth more than 6 inches (15 cm) long. Velociraptor- A small carnivorous theropod dinosaur of the genus Velociraptor of the Cretaceous Period,having sickle-shaped talons,a longflat snout with sharp teeth,and feathers on the forelimbs. Trilobites- Trilobites are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods thatform the class Trilobita.Trilobites form one of the earliestknown groups of arthropods, Age of Invertabrates Dinosaur Extinction Age of Fishes Age of Amphibians Age of Reptiles Age ofMammals Paragraph In Chapter 7 we learned about Earth, its creation, its atmospheres, extinctions that took place, and the animals who live and have lived on this planet. This project represents all the things we learned and the components that add to it. Starting with the Cambrian Period,organisms started evolving left and right. Then animals evolved to live on land when land plants started to produce oxygen from their photosynthesis process. Later on dinosaurs came about and were around for approximately 160 million years. Once they were wiped out by a mass extinction presumably caused by an asteroid, we humans and those dinosaurs missed each other by 65 million years. We ask you to buckle up and join us on this trip through geologic time. Cardiocephalus peabodyi- Common nameof Microsaur. Microsauria is an extinct orderof lepospondyl amphibians from the late Carboniferous and early Permian periods. It is the most diverse and species-rich group of lepospondyls "Complete Acanthodian Fossil Fish From The Devonian Of Scotland." Acanthodian Fossil Fish Ischnacanthus Gracilis. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2015. Ischnacanthus gracilis- Ischnacanthus was a typeof fish belonging to the class Acanthodii. Remainshave been discovered in the Lochkovian/Emsian stages of the Devonian Period in the Tillywhandland quarry (one of the best early Devonian fish sites in Scotland.) They first appeared in the very late Silurian Period.Fossil remains have also been discovered in North America. Citation(s) Textbook"Paleozoic Amphibian." Paleozoic Amphibian. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2015. "Paleozoic Amphibian." Paleozoic Amphibian. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2015.
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