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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 abseil for your fundraising So, you've signed up for your abseil, overcome your crippling vertigoand rigged yourself out like Bear Grylls. All that's left for you to do isset yourself a fundraising target and start thinking of ways to part your pals from their hard earned cash!Hopefully these hints and tips will help you get started. Tip 1: Make it easy for people to sponsor you. Now, what about Great Auntie Betty - she's not online! In your pack you'll find a paper sponsor form.Keep it in your handbag/back pocket/wallet and next time you bump into Great Auntie Betty you'reready to go. Get all your sponsors to fill out the form completely with their full name and HOMEaddress, including postcode. If they pay tax and tick the box to say they do we can claim an extra25p for every one pound donated from the tax man! Free money - can't say fairer than that... Tip 4: Publicise! Publicise! Publicise! Head over to and click "Create Your Page". Follow the on-screen instructions and you'll soon beup and running. Remember to select Forth Rail Bridge Abseil as your event and Waverley Care as your charity. Look good like Gokwith a clothes swap Tip 2: Get free money from the tax man Organising your own event to raise your sponsorshipcan be a fun way to raise money and let peopleknow what you are doing and why. You've taken care of your tech-savvy friends andVirgin Money Giving will make sure that theycan claim Gift Aid from the tax man. Tip 3: Organise a fundraising event Make like Mary Berry and get your bake on Have musical friends?Put on a band night... LinkedIn facebook twitter YouTube
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