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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Habitable Planets These habitable exoplanets could be the key to our survival in the future. Our planet won't last forever, and at the rate it's going, we might need a new home. Here I list some of the best candidates for a replacement. Gliese 667 Cc Kepler-442 b Kepler-62 e - 22.7 ly (light years)- Rocky terrain- Surface temp. at 30 C (86 F)- Possibility for liquid water- Orbits red dwarf star - 1,115 ly (light years)- 1/3 bigger than Earth- Most likely rocky terrain- Surface temp. at -40 C (-40 F) -tau Cet e* - 12 ly-GJ 682 c* - 17 ly-GJ 667C c - 24 ly-GJ 180 b* - 38 ly-HD 40307 g - 42 ly-EPIC 201367065 d - 147 ly-Kepler-22 b - 620 ly-Kepler-61 b - 1063 ly-Kepler-62 f - 1200 ly-Kepler-296 e - 1693 ly-KOI 736 - 1750 ly -Kapteyn b - 13 ly-GJ 832 c - 16 ly-Gliese 581 g - 20 ly-GJ 180 c* - 38 ly-GJ 163 c - 49 ly-Kepler-438 b - 473 ly-KOI-4427 b* - 783 ly-Kepler-442 b - 1115 ly-Kepler-62 e - 1200 ly-Kepler-296 f - 1693 ly-Gliese 581 d - 1750 ly -Gliese 667 Cc - 23 ly-GJ 667C e* - 24 ly-GJ 667C f* - 24 ly-GJ 442 b* - 41 ly-GJ 3293 c* - 59 ly-Kepler-186 f - 561 ly-Kepler-440 b - 851 ly-Kepler-174 d - 1174 ly-Kepler-298 d - 1546 ly-Kepler-283 c - 1742 ly-Kepler-443 b - 2541 ly Sources Other Habitable Planets - 1200 ly (light years)- Possibly water world-1.6 times bigger than Earth- Orbits red dwarf star The reason we might need a new home planet soon is because of us destroying our own home. We mindlessly emit harmful gases into the air that pollute and destroy Earth. If we don't stopthe emissions soon, it will be too late for our world, and we will have to move if we are to survive. Scientists are trying to find the most suitable planets for life, and they have found a few that just might work. But we are not technologically advanced enough to travel to these worlds. So we must stop destroying the Earth until we can travel to those planets, or else we are all as good as dead. By Jaden Yon
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