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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 3) After 10 uninterrupted minutes of writing time has elapsed, group members SHARE WHAT THEY HAVEWRITTEN. The group responds onlywith a simple "thank you" after each reading. There is no good or bad, praise or criticism. Groupmembers take turns sharing their writing. "I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out until sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in." --John Muir 5) At the end of the allotted time for the writing marathon, all of the groups of writers GATHER AT AN AGREEDUPON LOCATION to SHAREand CELEBRATE their work. 2) GROUPS HAVE A MAP of places of interest. Groups decide where to go. They explore the place together,then settle down to WRITEFOR 10 UNINTERRUPTEDMINUTES. Writing Marathon Writing Marathon Getting Started with a 4) After everyone in the grouphas read, the group MOVES ON TO THE NEXT LOCATION andrepeats the process. While there istime for socializing while the groupmoves, the emphasis remains on the writing and on group members allowing themselves to be IN and WITH a particular place. It’s about writing for the sake of writing. Writing for the moment. Writing for the immediate audience.Writing as foundation of other writing by peers who respond directly to other's thoughts in their own writing. Writing as the experience of a moment or place. Writing for the self. 1) Participants SPLITINTO SMALL GROUPS of people (3-4) who knoweach other less well. Eachperson introduces him/herself and says to the group, "I AM A WRITER." It's All About theWRITING andthe WRITER Groups find their own path. They can cross paths, join, and reform. Group members should be inspiredby the place, but not feel tied to writingabout the place in a literal sense. The MORE WRITING,the BETTER WHY NORESPONSE?When no response is given, writers will become less and less self-conscious and feel freer and freer to write anything they want. While everything that happensduring the marathon counts towards the writing - the walking, the talking, the looking - if thesethings get in the way of doing thewriting, they are counter-productive. Groups should do asmany rounds of writing as theycan within the allotted time. Compiled by Kristi Schmidt from the work of NCTE 2014 presenters Richard Louth, Jeff Grinvalds, Susan Martens, and Casey | @SchmidtFCPS
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