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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Well Being Nurturing Healthy Development and Well-Being Physical Well Being Establishing healthy patternsof eating, physical activityand sleep are beneficial into adulthood.Lack of establishment can lead to: obesity, diabetes, heart disease,depression and anxiety. What Educators Can Do Every child is developing a sense of self, health, and well-being Goal for children: Program expectation: Early childhood programs nurture children's healthydevelopmentand support their growing sense of self Respect and find ways to support each child's physiological and biological rhythms,needs for active play, rest, and quiet time.Create a positive eating environment with foodsand portion sizes that respond to children's cues of hunger and fullness Connections between cognition and physical and emotional well-being Play spaces should include: Manageable challenges Increased opportunity for healthy risk taking Accommodations can be made to include all children Help children increase levels of independence, perseverance, self control and competence What Educators Can Do Self-care Providing an environment that provides these is crucial: Consistency and continuity Support for children's growing independence Capacity for self-careThis environment enables children to: Tackle challenges and persevere Manage and cope with levels of stress Self-regulation Self-regulation is how a child deals with stressors effectively, and is central to children's long-term: physical, physiological, behaviouraland education well being Provide an environment that reduces stressors, and increases self-regulating abilities Educators can help children by:Being responsive to cues Teaching strategies to stay calm Teach effects of their actionsEnable them to recognize and control emotions Mental Health and Wellness 1521 Percent of children in Ontariohave at least 1 mental health disorder 15-21 Percent of children in Ontariohave at least 1 mental health disorder Left untreated, these can have huge impacts on children's quality of life Create positive and authentic relationshipswith familiesProvide a safe, non-judgemental environment for shared learning, along with supporting resilienceEnsure that children and families with mental health disorders are included and accepted, along with providing any extra additional resources What Educators Can Do
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