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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Waknuk VS. Dyslexic People Waknuk VS. Dyslexic People Waknuk Waknuk Background Information: The town of Waknuk is a bunch of large buildings. Davids grandfather created Waknuk after a nuclear war. The town of Waknuk is very religious and they believe that everyone and everything has to look the same for them to be a real person or a real animal or a plant. The Image of God: The image of God is in the Bible and the people of Waknuk believe that they need to follow it. The image of God means that everyone and everything has to look and follow the same religion. The image is on page 10 and 11 it says And God created man in His own image. And God decreed that man should have one body, one head, two arms, two legs: that each arm should be jointed in two places and end in one hand: that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb: the each finger should bear a flat finger nail.. And so on until Then God created woman, also, and in the same image, but with these differences, according to her nature: her voice should be of higher pitch than mans: she should grow no bread: she should have two breasts. The image of God is in the Bible and the people of Waknuk believe that they need to follow it. The image of God means that everyone and everything has to look and follow the same religion. The image is on page 10 and 11 it says And God created man in His own image. And God decreed that man should have one body, one head, two arms, two legs: that each arm should be jointed in two places and end in one hand: that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb: the each finger should bear a flat finger nail.. And so on until Then God created woman, also, and in the same image, but with these differences, according to her nature: her voice should be of higher pitch than mans: she should grow no bread: she should have two breasts. The image of God is in the Bible and the people of Waknuk believe that they need to follow it. The image of God means that everyone and everything has to look and follow the same religion. The image is on page 10 and 11 it says And God created man in His own image. And God decreed that man should have one body,one head, two arms, two legs: that each arm should be jointed in two places and end in one hand: that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb: the each finger should bear a flat finger nail.. And so on until Then God created woman, also, and in the same image, but with these differences, according to her nature: her voice should be of higher pitch than mans: she should grow no beard: she should have two breasts. How Deviations are Discriminated Against in Waknuk: Deviations arent treated very well in Waknuk. When you are born your parents cant tell anyone that they had a baby until the inspector comes to see if your baby is normal. If your baby is normal you will be given a normalsy certificate and you can show off your baby. Thebaby is normal if it follows the Image of God but if the baby doesn't it will be killed or sent to the Fringes where the other Blasphemies are. An Offence is a crop or animal that doesnt follow the Image of God. If a crop is an Offence the whole crop will be burnt so it cant be used. If an animal is an Offence then it will not be used, sent to the Fringes or killed. Similarities Similarities Misunderstood Both deviants in Waknuk and those with Dyslexia are misunderstood. They are misunderstood because people just assume that people with dyslexia cant read and write even when they just have trouble. Deviants are misunderstood because telepathies are normal kids butthey just have the ability to communicatewith other telepathies but that doesntmean that they cant do other things. Bullying Both deviants in Waknuk and those with Dyslexiahave trouble with bullying. They both get bulliedbecause other people think that they are better than deviants or people with dyslexia so they think its okay to bully them. They also get bullied because they are really shy and they think they dont fit in, so for the bullies they are an easy target. These two groups should not be bullied because they are the same as everyone else except that the deviants look a little different and people with Dyslexia learn differently. Low Self Esteem Both deviants in Waknuk and those with Dyslexia have low self esteem. They bothhave low self esteem because they aredifferent and they feel like they dont belongwhere they are. They also have low self esteembecause people treat them with less respect andthink that they don't know as much whenthey should be treated the same as everyone else. Sometimes when people are treated poorly, it endsup reflecting how they actually feel about themselves. That is why it is important not to underestimate people from Waknuk or people with Dyslexia they can and will surprise you on how much they can do. Dyslexia Dyslexia Background Information: Dyslexia is a reading and writing disorder. People with Dyslexia will have a hard time reading and writing and they will learn slower. They might need more time to process a new subject in school but there are many different strategies that you can have to help you. But if you have Dyslexia it doesn't mean that you are stupid or useless, it means that you are different. There are so many famous people that have Dyslexia and they have done so many things so that means you can also. How the group I chose is discriminated against The group that I chose gets discriminated against because people think that they cant do anything because they have trouble reading and writing. A lot of kids in school get bullied because they are different. I dont think this is right because I know from experience that having dyslexia doesnt mean that you cant play on the playground like everyone else or go out with your friends. It just means that you will need to spend more time on your homework and it might take you longer to read a book or write a test. Interesting Facts About Dyslexia 1. Dyslexia is the most commonlearning disability2. 1 in 5 people have Dyslexia3.People with Dyslexia are usually more creative and higherlevel of intelligence4. A lot of famous people have Dyslexia 5. Affects nearly 10% of population This is how some people withDyslexia see letters
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