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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil Malfunctions Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 780 reefers,155 Starcares. Farbem Sur Contecon Aretina Farbem Norte 73 Operative Reefer Stock: Evacuation plan Reefer Stock Factor: 2.0 12% Quito Dry Stock: 5 x 20' DC49 x 40' HC 5 Total Reefer Stock: 2158 0 100% occupied, receivingempty units. 40% occupied, moving unitsto depots. 109 units 8 469 Maersk Buton ETA Mar/20th 13:0025B Maersk Niagara ETA Mar/25th 07:00 StarCare 1 12 218 reefers reported on Week 11. Programmed for S27 50x20’ DC 100x40’ DC 800x40’ HC 4x40’ HR 5x40’ FR PABLB S27 Virginia Trader ETAMar/20th 10:00 due delaysat PABLB. 7 Normal 3% March 19th 2015 73% Due to berth congestion at Esmeraldas portVirginia Trader will be delayed on berthing.At the moment next window available is forFriday 20th noon time. Programmed for 469 300x20 DC 050x40 DC 250x40 HC PABLB Programmed for 25B 250x20 DC 30x40 DC 250x40 HC PABLB 3 Possible inducement call of RIO THOMPSONto Esmeraldas on week 13 in order to coverEsmeraldas feeder ETA Mar/27th 12% Possible reduction of evacuationquantities due to late arrival. Fabricio Constante travels to Panama join toFarbem's managers in order to meet withGonzalo Alvarez and Raul Villalta on boardHammonia Antofagasta for revising malfunctionsand setting potential service improvements.
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