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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil Malfunctions Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 1019 reefers in total271 Starcares. Farbem Sur Contecon Aretina Farbem Norte 211 42% Operative Reefer Stock: 119 28% Advise clients to pick up units from ARETINAthere is no congestion and we have enoughequipment. Possibly to advance Helene S toget pier upon arrival. Confirm thesame today afternoon. Normal Evacuation plan Reefer Stock Factor: 3.1 23% Quito Dry Stock: 2 x 20' DC78 x 40' HC 28 Total Reefer Stock: 3622 Today, last day dispatching units fromOPACIF. 0 100% occupied 84% occupied, moving unitsto depots. 529 units 122 762 Safmarine Benguela ETA Feb/13 13:005TF Rio Thompson ETA Feb/15 07:00 7% As from week 7 the service Esmeraldas feederwill have only 1 ship calling BLB-ESM-BLB.This will help us in evacuating MT units onweekly basis. Large evacuation programmedon present week. StarCare 23 13 13 S23 HELENE S ETA Feb/12th08:00 in proforma. Possible toadvance her for Feb/11th 18:00. 150 units reported on week 6. February 10th 2015 Programmed for S230029 X 20 DC0057 X 40 DC1048 X 40 HC0016 X 40 HR PABLB Programmed for762 325x20 DC 050x40 DC 225x40 HC PABLB Programmed for 5TF275x20 DC 04x40 OT050x40 DC 03x40 FR100x40 HC PABLB DEBRV
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