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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil 756 Maersk Bulan ETA Feb/6th 13:00S26 Hansa Autralia ETA Feb/7th 19:0027B Maersk Nijmegen ETA Feb/8th 07:00 Malfunctions Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 1230 reefers in total220 Starcares. Farbem Sur Contecon Opacif Aretina Farbem Norte 298 45% Operative Reefer Stock: 671 units 213 111 5% Advise clients to pick up units from ARETINAthere is no congestion and we have enoughequipment. On Wed 11th there will be arrivinga bulk carrier which probably willberth at pier #2 in consequenceHelene S should be docked atpier #3 with around 50m out ofkeel. Normal StarCare 9 27 February 4th 2015 Evacuation plan No evacuation. Reefer Stock Factor: 2.9 80% occupied 17% Quito Dry Stock: 76% occupied, moving unitsto depots. 0 x 20' DC81 x 40' HC 10 Total Reefer Stock: 3368 3 For 756 BulanEvacuationcancelled. S24 Kiel Trader delayed 14 hoursvs proforma, ETA Feb/05th 22:00 Possible Sealand test in order to load bananasto Chile. Will consolidate 1 normal reefer with2nd class banana, for 22 days will be conectedto power in the exporter farm. Then will beanalized the fruit quality. 153 reefers reported on week 5 Adjusting contract with Contecon in order toreduce handling tariff, empty load/disch orreject CPI increase. Waiting Contecon reply. 33% Programmed for 27B 2x20 OT 225x20 4x40 OT PABLB 3x40 FR DEBRV It is possible to have berth congestion atEsmeraldas on week 7, we will do our bestin order to secure berth upon arrival. 0 For S26550x20 DC 50x40 DC375x40 HC PABLB
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