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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil 93R Hammonia Antofagasta working atpier 'B' ETD Feb/2nd 23:00.756 Maersk Bulan in proforma.27B Maersk Nijmegen in proforma. Malfunctions Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 1230 reefers in total220 Starcares. Farbem Sur Contecon Opacif Aretina Farbem Norte 351 56% Operative Reefer Stock: 627 units 50 130 14% Advise clients to pick up units from ARETINAthere is no congestion and we have enoughequipment. Evacuation plan was reducedin order to prioritize Paitareefers, we will be usingZALSA yard longer due tolack of space at yard terminalfor empty units. Normal StarCare 9 66 February 2nd 2015 Evacuation plan No programmed yet. Reefer Stock Factor: 3.0 80% occupied 21% Quito Dry Stock: 84% occupied, moving unitsto depots. 1 x 20' DC89 x 40' HC 0 20 Total Reefer Stock: 3576 1 No programmed yet. S24 Kiel Trader delayed 12 hoursvs proforma, ETA Feb/05th 20:00 Possible Sealand test in order to load bananasto Chile. Will consolidate 1 normal reefer with2nd class banana, for 22 days will be conectedto power in the exporter farm. Then will beanalized the fruit quality. Will be advised tomorrow. Adjusting contract with Contecon in order toreduce handling tariff, empty load/disch orreject CPI increase. Waiting Contecon reply. 9%
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