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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil S23 Helene S ETA Thu 29th at08:00 on time according toproforma. 25B Maersk Niagara working at pier 'B'.94R Andino & 93R Hammonia Antofagastain proforma. Malfunctions 169 units reported by Conteconon week 4. Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 1497 Reef Total244 StarCares. Farbem Sur Contecon Opacif Aretina Farbem Norte 293 56% Operative Reefer Stock: 545 units 67 88 15% 11% Advise clients to pick up units from ARETINAthere is no congestion and we have enoughequipment. Started rainy season, then the tiderestriction for entering the port isbetween 2 hours before and 2 hoursafter high tide. This may causeport congestion and delays. Normal StarCare 15 47 January 26th 2015 Evacuation plan Planned for S23 54x20' DC 15x40' HR 60x40'DC PEPAI440x40' DC PABLB Reefer Stock Factor: 3.0 100% occupied 16% Quito Dry Stock: 92% occupied, moving MTreefers to depots. 1 x 20' DC98 x 40' HC 0 13 Total Reefer Stock: 3524 Jennifer Livingston, Houston ProcurementDept, visiting until Wed 28th. Revise ConteconContract and possible Sealand Service atBanapuerto. Dirnea increased 3.67% the cost in all PortCaptains at EC. 14 Farbem starts pavement works at new yardFARBEM 3. Zalsa starts receiving MT units as fromtoday at Esmeraldas. 3 4 2% No Evacution Planned yet. 1 SuperFreezer Certinspec will start monitoring Zalsa servicein order to measure waiting time on equipreception.
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