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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Esmeraldas Yard Spaceat terminal Notes: Daily Operations MirrorEcuador Vessel schedule Sea MAERSK LINE MAERSK LINE Land Guayaquil S23 Kiel Trader still working atpier #2 ETD Friday 23rd 13:00 475 Maersk Bali arrived on time, workingat pier "B" & 25B Maersk proforma. Malfunctions 227 units reported by Conteconon week 3. Reefer Positioning Risks on presentWeek Arrived 1345 Reef Total180 StarCares. Farbem Sur Contecon Opacif Aretina Farbem Norte 263 63% Operative Reefer Stock: 426 units 30 74 14% 6% Advise clients to pick up units from ARETINAthere is no congestion and we have enoughequipment. Started rainy season, then the tiderestriction for entering the port isbetween 2 hours before and 2 hoursafter high tide. This may causeport congestion and delays. Normal StarCare 27 16 January 23rd 2015 Evacuation plan Evacuation cancelled. Planned for 475 250x20' DC 50x40' DC 275x40' HC Reefer Stock Factor: 1.9 90% occupied 17% Quito Dry Stock: 44% occupied 1 x 20' DC98 x 40' HC 0 10 Due to cancelled evacuation, yard atterminal could be full as from Sat/24thin consequence we will use ZALSAyard in order to receive empty units. Planned for 25B250x20' DC 1x20' OT 20x40' DC 3x40' OT 90x40' HC 2x40' FRPABLB DEBRV Total Reefer Stock: 2254 Reefer Stock Factor projected untillweek 15 is 2.8 - 3.0 (on mondays) Inducement call for Kiel Trader at Guqconfirmed ETA Jan/30th 07:00 6 Kiel Trader at Esmeraldas delayed whileoperating due to one unit stacked at holdof bay 26, at the moment unit alreadyrealesed. Opacif stock not confirmed yet.
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