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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 #2 Supine Double Leg Raise/LowerProne Hand Stand Flex Knee RaiseBicycles (2 Count)Spotted Toe TouchesFire HydrantsKneeling Back TiltKneeling Forward Tilt (w/Partner)Prisoner SquatsProne Hip ExtendersToe Raises 10 x Double leg 180 degree hopping. Reverse direction each time5x Double leg jumps for distance 20m running A’s10 Burpees30sec. plank200m tempoWalk back – repeat as needed (coach to decide this) Hurdle Mobility Recovery/Motor Strength Heel Walk ForwardHeel Walk BackwardToe Walk ForwardToe Walk BackwardInside Foot ForwardInside Foot BackwardOutside Foot ForwardOutside Foot Backward General Strength Routines Dynamic Flexibility #1 Technical #1 Mobility Series Hurdle Drills Skips (Str. Leg) 3 shoes aptSkipovers (constant lead leg) (L & R)Skipovers (alternate lead leg)Static-Dyn Skip (alt lead legs) Low Walk ForwardLow Walk BackwardDuck Walk ForwardLateral Low Walk (Left and Right)Lunge Walk Static Dynamic Low Walks Foot Strength Hurdle Drills #1 Hurdle Drills #2 Trail Leg Cycle and ReverseLead Leg Attack Trail Leg RailHurdle StraddleStep over with lead leg attack Lateral Skips (3 Shoes Apart)Skipovers Constant LeadSkipvers Alternate LeadStatic-Dynamic Alternate Lead #3 #4 Push UpsSitting TucksProne Lat pulldownPush upsV-SitsBack Hyper w/TwistPush UpsCrunchPush UpsBack Hyper w/Twist --REVERSE ORDER-- #1 Core Workout V-SitCross CrunchSuperman PulsesCross Crunch Superman PulsesThe 100 Double Arm Core Workout #1 Core Workout #2 Prone Elbow Stand Single Leg RaiseSupine Elbow SLRProne Hand SLRSupine Hand SLRLateral Elbow SLRLateral Hand SLRProne Elbow Stand Flex Knee RaiseSupine Elbow FKRSupine Hand Legs Circles In/OutCrunch Low Reach
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