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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Video Marketing Plan the average distance from the center of the planet to its surface is 15,299 miles (24,622 kilometers). But like most spinning bodies, Neptune's rotation causes it to bulge slightly around the equator. The resulting shape is known as an oblate spheroid. The radius at the poles is 15,125 miles (24,341 km), slightly smaller than the equatorial radius of 15,388 miles (24,764 km). The average diameter across the planet is 30,598 miles (49,244 km), almost four times the diameter of Earth. What is the gravity like?It is 112 % of earths gravity. Healthy living 1. Mind setyour mind has the power to change your day By Hannah Massey and Maddie Goodman What is the color? Neptune is a vivid blue color that is due to unidentified compound Site IntroductionWho we areWhere we've been and what we've doneWhat we are doing nowIndentify a problemHow we can helpHow to find more information Whats an interesting fact? Only one spacecraft has been past Neptune, and that was theVoyager 2 Opt in video series 2Why we chose network marketingend: find out we choose isagenix Why we choose isagenix Opt in series 1:Why getting let go from my job was a good thing Branding you instead of your company FREE REPORT ON HOW TO USE SOCIAL NETWORKS TO GROW YOURNETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS Still struggling to build your network marketing business?Look into MLSPa video tutorial and a look inside the platform and how to use it FREE REPORT ON HOW TO GENERATE LEADSAND ATTRACT PEOPLE TO YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS ONLINE
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